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5 Insights to Move Your Chamber From Relevant to Essential
In hindsight:
- Why is COVID-19 the best change event for your Chamber?
- How can your organization move from transactional value to transformational impact?
- Why should you change your operational model to be less dependent on membership dues?
During this time of uncertainty, how can you leverage your strengths to become a Champion for Change?
The affects of a worldwide pandemic, economic upheaval, and social unrest will linger for years. Chambers of Commerce have been the “emergency room” for businesses and their local communities, while facing disruptions and challenges to their operations. These challenges have exposed cracks in the Chamber operating model that has been there for decades and growing.
Returning to “normal” will be detrimental to Chambers that don’t rethink their missions and models. This is the time for Chamber leaders to re-imagine what they should be moving forward. Learn how to leverage the leadership lessons from 2020 to focus on “we the community” work and create a tribe of “me the member” impact.
How can your Chamber be the essential catalyst for your community?
Join Cathi Hight and Casey Steinbacher, Founder of Casey’s Company, widely recognized as a national expert in urban innovation strategies, as they discuss the opportunities available in moving from relevant to essential.
Explore how COVID-19 created the perfect storm for Chamber models.
Understand why being essential to your community is more impactful than being relevant to members.
Indentify the five key insights to understand WHY your Chamber mission and model needs to change.
Guest Speaker
Casey Steinbacher is Founder of Casey’s Company, widely recognized as a national expert in urban innovation strategies.
Casey’s Company identifies and creates NEXT opportunities for communities and organizations, with a unique emphasis on place-based talent recruitment. She is credited with authoring the strategy that targeted entrepreneurs and millennials as key components for the place-based renaissance of downtown Durham that CNN named the start-up capital of the south.
Prior to founding her company, Casey served as President and CEO of the Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce from 2007 until 2015. Under her direction, the Durham Chamber received national and international acclaim for its leadership in economic and entrepreneurial development, winning the award for the Best Innovative Economic Development Project at the World Chambers Congress in Doha, Qatar, in 2013. Durham experienced over $5 billion in announced new investment that created more than 20,000 jobs during her tenure, including the birth and rapid growth of an entrepreneurial eco-system that is now considered one of the most vibrant in the South. A 27 year veteran of Chamber and Economic Development work, she also served as President and CEO of Chambers in Pennsylvania and Florida.
She sits on numerous boards but most notably serves on the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives Foundation, an international foundation created to help Chambers throughout the US and Canada strengthen their expertise and engagement in community and economic development initiatives in their communities.
She is a regular speaker in topics that include Talent Recruitment and Development, Urban Re-imaging, Entrepreneurial Eco-Systems, Community Branding, Innovative Organizational Strategies, Woman in Leadership, Finding Next, and Coolness that Matters.

Cathi Hight
A Promoter of “Good Change”
Cathi Hight, is President of the Hight Performance Group, an organizational development firm that helps develop healthy organizations to manage constant change, enhance customer loyalty and “work smarter, not harder.” She has over 20 years of experience in working with education, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, nonprofit, and technology sectors.
As a certified Wiley Workplace Solutions Partner, Cathi works with organizations to develop high performing teams, effective leaders and productive work environments.
With more than 20 years’ experience in performance improvement, Cathi helps clients identify their real problems and solve them. She shares Kaizen principles of continuous improvement, making small and incremental changes, and improving customer experiences which bring about “good change” for internal and external customers.
Cathi is the author of The Member Retention Kit and A New Approach to Tiered Membership, and the Work Smarter, Not Harder program. Hight Performance Group offers resources to help organizations attract, engage, and retain members. Cathi helps organizations stay relevant, deliver benefits that members appreciate, and effectively communicate the value of membership with proven strategies that will save you time and increase your bottom line.