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Redesign Your Board
— The Right Composition and Competencies
Explore the common “traps” of recruiting board members.
Look at the 4th D—Why future-ready boards need to engage in the Duty of Foresight.
Understand the Board Competency and Composition Matrix and why you need one.
See how to recruit for the right balance of expertise, representation, diversity and fit.
Utilize strategies to increase engagement of board members.
Join Cathi Hight as she shows you ways to create a future-ready and more effective board.
Your board is a key component to your success, so:
- What type of leadership does your organization need to evolve and thrive in the future?
- Do you have the right people on the Board to make it happen?
- What is missing that would create your ideal Board of Directors?
Moving From Legacy Directors to Leadership
If you are like many member-based organizations, your Nominating Committee is assembled a few months before the end of the fiscal year to identify and select candidates to replace directors whose terms are expiring. Filling Board seats is a just-in-time activity and many times, directors are replaced with other leaders from similar industries or expertise. Maybe it is time to rethink the Board selection process.
You need a framework to identify, recruit, and select directors that builds the Board with the right mix of skills, knowledge, representation, and other characteristics to perform optimally. Board selection should be focused on competencies, diversity, and skills and not based on popularity or dues investments. Board diversity is more than race and gender and selection should not be based on meeting quotas.
During these uncertain times, it’s important for your Board to leverage trends and navigate a strategic direction for the organization. The leadership of your organization is dependent on developing a future-ready Board. Join us as we discuss innovative practices to design the ideal Board your organization needs to thrive.
Are you ready to develop the Board your organization really needs?

Cathi Hight
A Promoter of “Good Change”
Cathi Hight, is President of the Hight Performance Group, an organizational development firm that helps develop healthy organizations to manage constant change, enhance customer loyalty and “work smarter, not harder.” She has over 25 years of experience in performance improvement, serving education, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and nonprofit sectors.
As a certified Wiley Workplace Solutions Partner and Kaizen consultant, Cathi works with organizations to develop high performing teams, effective leaders, customer-centric practices, and productive work environments.
Cathi helps clients identify their real problems and solve them. She shares Kaizen principles of continuous improvement, making small and incremental changes, and improving customer experiences which bring about “good change” for internal and external customers.
Cathi is recognized nationally for her work with associations and is the author of The Member Retention Kit and A New Approach to Tiered Membership, and developer of the Work Smarter, Not Harder program. Hight Performance Group offers resources to help organizations attract, engage, and retain members. Cathi helps organizations stay relevant, effectively communicate the value of membership, and increase their bottom line.