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Cultivate a New Sponsorship Mindset — Align Value to Mission
Explore how the pandemic shifted the sponsorship paradigm.
Discover what sponsors really want and how you can move from transactional to transformational sponsorships.
Determine how to develop sponsorships that align with shared values and strategic initiatives and nurture long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.
Watch this dynamic and informative webinar with Cathi Hight, where we dive into the latest trends and best practices in sponsorship development.
Let’s take a look at your sponsorship programs:
- Do you struggle to find sponsors that align with your organization’s mission and initiatives?
- Are you tired of traditional sponsorship strategies that don’t bring in the desired results?
- What do sponsors really want?
Sponsorship Tied to Events is Blasé
Corporate sponsors want more than their logo on event signage or a wave from the podium. Sponsorship “best practices” are stuck in a traditional mindset tied to events. Competition for corporate marketing investments is fierce and that may explain why event sponsorships are on the decline.
Membership-based organizations rely on sponsorships as a key non-dues revenue driver. During the pandemic, corporations explored new ways to elevate their brands beyond events and share their stories and values. The pandemic shifted expectations and corporate members are seeking meaningful partnerships that deliver real impact.
Join us for a dynamic and informative webinar, where we dive into the latest trends and best practices in sponsorship development. We’ll share insights and actionable steps to help you reframe your approach and build strong, meaningful relationships with sponsors.
Are you ready to take your sponsorships to the next level and achieve greater impact?

Cathi Hight
A Promoter of “Good Change”
Cathi Hight, is President of Hight Performance Group, an organizational development firm that helps develop healthy organizations to manage constant change, enhance customer loyalty and “work smarter, not harder.” She has over 25 years of experience in performance improvement, strategic planning, board development, and membership development.
As a certified Wiley Workplace Solutions Partner and Kaizen consultant, Cathi works with organizations to develop high performing teams, effective leaders, customer-centric practices, and productive work environments.
Cathi helps clients identify their real problems and solve them. She shares Kaizen principles of continuous improvement, making small and incremental changes, and improving customer experiences which bring about “good change” for internal and external customers.
Cathi is recognized nationally for her work with associations and is the author of The Member Retention Kit and A New Approach to Tiered Membership, and developer of the Work Smarter, Not Harder program. Hight Performance Group offers resources to help organizations attract, engage, and retain members. Cathi helps organizations stay relevant, effectively communicate the value of membership, and increase their bottom line.