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Freemium Membership: How Does it Serve Your Mission?
When looking at your membership model:
- How does freemium membership fit into our bigger picture?
- What are the benefits and pitfalls of offering a freemium membership level?
- Does freemium membership lead to increased engagement and revenue?
Freemium membership — a strategy to increase relevance and a disruption in the industry.
Your targeted customers are offered free access and membership from entities all the time. Millennials and Gen Zs have invested time in social media platforms with free membership. Free usually means limited trials, add-ons for fees, advertisements, or that your data is sold. Free is another business model. But in associations, free membership is rare, and dues is a primary source for revenue. So, why does it make sense to offer freemium membership? When the benefits outweigh the initial dues investments.
There are several reasons why freemium models are a bold and future approach for membership organizations. Inclusivity, wider reach to serve and engage the community, grow the collective voice, be more essential to more businesses, and increase revenue are all positive reasons. Freemium memberships also come with a change to the status quo and challenges to achieve intended outcomes.
Will freemium membership be part of your growth plan?
Discover how freemium membership aligns with mission and initiative.
Explore the benefits and pitfalls of offering freemium membership.
Review The Economics of Abundance and how organizations capitalize on it.
Determine strategies and best practices for successful change, conversions, and growth.
Hear the stories of how SWFL Inc, Douglas County Chamber, and Eugene Chamber embarked on offering a freemium membership level, their challenges and insights, and why other organizations should consider making the change.

Tiffany Esposito
Our Guest Speakers:
Tiffany Esposito, President/CEO of SWFL, Inc.
Tiffany Esposito, MBA, CCE, IOM, APR has had a longstanding passion for the growth and sustainability in her hometown of Southwest Florida, so she became a natural fit with the area’s chambers of commerce after graduating from Florida Gulf Coast University with her Bachelor of Arts in communication in 2009 and MBA in 2012.
Tiffany served in key leadership roles with both the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce and Bonita Springs Chamber of Commerce before being named president and CEO of the Bonita Springs chamber in 2016. She’s also been involved with the FGCU Alumni Board, Leadership Bonita, and Bonita Springs Estero Economic Development Council.

Sara Ray
Sara Ray, President/CEO of Douglas County Chamber of Commerce
Sara brings 15+ years of strong leadership, corporate, strategic planning, and non-profit experience to the organization. Sara oversees the development and execution of the Chamber’s strategic plan, establishes partnerships, and advocates on behalf of all businesses in Douglas.
Since assuming her role in 2018, Sara has grown the organization year over year including the creation of Elevate Douglas Economic Partnership and establishing partnerships with the Georgia Chamber, United Way, Regional Business Coalition, and others in the public/private sectors. Sara received her bachelor’s degree from the UNC – Wilmington and enjoys traveling with her children, Anna & Avery.

Brittany Quick-Warner
Brittany Quick-Warner, President/CEO of Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
Brittany has proudly served on the staff of the Eugene Chamber for the past 9 years and has had the honor of serving as the CEO since 2017. Brittany’s driving passion for this work revolves around helping individuals, businesses and our community meet their fullest potential. A chronic optimist and diligent problem solver, Brittany sees the incredible opportunity we have in front of us to celebrate the beauty and wonderful businesses in our community- and overcome the wicked challenges together.
Brittany currently represents the business community on various boards and commissions throughout the region and serves at a national level as a board member for both the Western Association of Chamber Executives and the national Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives. She currently fills almost all her not-so-free time chasing and taking obnoxious pictures with her Covid-puppy, Bogey.

Cathi Hight
A Promoter of “Good Change”
Cathi Hight, is President of Hight Performance Group, an organizational development firm that helps develop healthy organizations to manage constant change, enhance customer loyalty and “work smarter, not harder.” She has over 25 years of experience in performance improvement, strategic planning, board development, and membership development.
As a certified Wiley Workplace Solutions Partner and Kaizen consultant, Cathi works with organizations to develop high performing teams, effective leaders, customer-centric practices, and productive work environments.
Cathi helps clients identify their real problems and solve them. She shares Kaizen principles of continuous improvement, making small and incremental changes, and improving customer experiences which bring about “good change” for internal and external customers.
Cathi is recognized nationally for her work with associations and is the author of The Member Retention Kit and A New Approach to Tiered Membership, and developer of the Work Smarter, Not Harder program. Hight Performance Group offers resources to help organizations attract, engage, and retain members. Cathi helps organizations stay relevant, effectively communicate the value of membership, and increase their bottom line.