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Focus on the Cause, Not the Club
— The Next Investor Model
- Thursday, August 26
- 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT
- 9:00 am - 10:00 am PDT
Look at the trends that decrease the growth of membership.
Explore the disconnect between strategic planning and membership models.
Discover how to develop an investor model that fosters positive change, provides money for your mission, and increases community engagement.
Join the conversation as Cathi Hight talks about creating a new investor model that focuses on your cause and allows you to be essential to your stakeholders.
As your members and others invest in your organization:
- How can we create a revenue model that is not dependent on dues or events?
- What is the next big idea for investor models?
- Why is being essential more important than being relevant?
Attracting the Next Generation of Investors
Member-based organizations seek “golden hand-cuffs” or benefits to influence businesses to join and renew. Tiered dues models for membership creates exclusivity, but do not feel inclusive.
In communities dominated by Millennials and Gen-Zers, we know causes attract more people than clubs because a sense of belonging and being part of transformational change is a powerful combination.
Explore why it is time to focus on our missions instead of transactional membership and move from being relevant to a small group of members to becoming essential to our communities and a larger group of stakeholders.
Are you ready to move from being relevant to members to becoming essential to your community?

Cathi Hight
A Promoter of “Good Change”
Cathi Hight, is President of Hight Performance Group, an organizational development firm that helps develop healthy organizations to manage constant change, enhance customer loyalty and “work smarter, not harder.” She has over 25 years of experience in performance improvement, strategic planning, board development, and membership development.
As a certified Wiley Workplace Solutions Partner and Kaizen consultant, Cathi works with organizations to develop high performing teams, effective leaders, customer-centric practices, and productive work environments.
Cathi helps clients identify their real problems and solve them. She shares Kaizen principles of continuous improvement, making small and incremental changes, and improving customer experiences which bring about “good change” for internal and external customers.
Cathi is recognized nationally for her work with associations and is the author of The Member Retention Kit and A New Approach to Tiered Membership, and developer of the Work Smarter, Not Harder program. Hight Performance Group offers resources to help organizations attract, engage, and retain members. Cathi helps organizations stay relevant, effectively communicate the value of membership, and increase their bottom line.
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