"3 Strategies to Onboard New Members”



  • 1

    Recognize the importance of focusing on the first-year member experience

  • 2

    Explore how successful integration of new members influences engagement and renewals

  • 3

    Discover 3 strategies that increase new member renewals

Stop the cycle of recruiting new members that go out the back door!

  • Are new members gung-ho about joining and then “check out” after a few months?
  • Do new members drop their membership because they don’t see the value?
  • Are you tired of recruiting “one and done” members?

First-year members tend to have the lowest retention rates and can prevent you from achieving your revenue goals. Although you have so much to offer, it may feel overwhelming for them to navigate benefits and receive the value intended.

This webinar will share ideas to activate new members and increase their likelihood to renew! Whether you’re a membership pro or new in your role, you are sure to discover something new that will help you and your members achieve success!

Learn how you can deliver experiences that make renewals a no-brainer for new members!

Cathi Hight | Hight Performance Group

Cathi Hight

Cathi Hight, author of The Member Retention Kit and A New Approach to Tiered Membership helps you attract and retain members. She teaches you how to deliver benefits that your members value and effectively communicate the value of membership. Discover what works as Cathi shares the secrets of developing membership models that appeal to today’s members.

Member Retention Kit | Hight Performance Group

This webinar is part of the monthly series of member retention webinars available in the Accelerate and Fast Track packages of Cathi Hight’s Member Retention Kit.

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